Brief History of the Kusimkol Baptist Church
Kusimkol Baptist Church (KBC) has been established as a sister Church comprising initially with the nine members since 1964.Earlier in 1955 Late Prensing Ch.Marak a local man converted into Christianity and took the first baptism by the hand of Late Tangring R.Sangma, Pastor of Simsanggre Baptist Church and very soon God has brought Late Seknalson Momin,a government employee came and settled down at Kusimkol village from Rajasimla, the very place called first Baptist church in the Garo soil. Looking at back some years after receiving the Gospel there are few committed members whose names would like mentioned because of their contribution spending their energy,times,skills and many more, we should not forget our friends Late Bangran R.Marak,Shri Willipson R.Marak, Late Horeswar R.Sangma, Shri Susend D.Shira,Shri. P.K.Momin,Shri. John Ch.Momin over the year they tried whole heartedly to build the new Church building as well as to bring into full pledged mother Church. The Church has been granted as a full pledged church in 16th February 1999 with a theologically trained pastor Mr. Brenarzee B.Sangma along with the other office bearers. Existing Church just heart of Williamnagar town is a historic event because very soon the mission movement has been started in the region and beyond the North East India, and overseas. We are proud of the past leaders who sacrifice and made effort tirelessly their times energy to achieve the goal, the best legacy down
through the history. At present we partner with the likeminded churches; mission agencies and inter denomination to fulfill the great commission. God has been using His people in different way and in different capacity to fulfill the great commission. Kusimkol Baptist Church is located in the heart of the Williamnagar town, East Garo Hills, Meghalaya.Williamnagar town is located at 860 ft. height from the sea level. The name of the longest river in Garo Hills Simsang flows from the West Garo Hills covering the entire part of town till the South Garo Hills, Meghalaya and Bangladesh. Williamnagar is a beautiful small town however it is a very fast growing in Meghalaya. The area (in square Kms) 1517 with the total households 26,585 both rural and urban according to the Government Census reported in 2011.